National Pet Obesity Awareness Day

Did you know that today, Wednesday, October 9, 2019, is National Pet Obesity Awareness Day?

Incredibly, we've gotten to the point that we need an obesity awareness day for our favored felines and pampered pooches.

However, it's true. An estimated nationwide survey suggests that more than half of U.S. dogs and cats- 80 million to be exact - are overweight or obese. The American Pet Products Association thinks the numbers may be even higher. Using pet population estimates, the APPA, claims that 56 million cats and 50 million dogs across America may be carrying extra pounds.

What's also shocked researchers is that animals that aren't overeating or exercising too little are getting fat. 

Just as with humans, many factors beyond diet and exercise contribute to an animal's weight. Indeed, the variables that contribute to human weight gain - including exposure to environmental chemicals and epigenetic changes may also be at work. 

If we can figure out why our pets are gaining weight, we may have the key to our obesity epidemic – and how to stop and even prevent it. 

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